Terms & Conditions
- The customer must agree to the following terms and conditions while signing this contract. No agent or employee of Zoom Parcel Service and no customer can alter or modify these terms and conditions.
- By signing this contract the customer agrees to the complete terms and conditions mentioned in any manner in this consignment note.
- ZPS will not accept the following items as shipments e.g. Currency, Bullion, Jewelry, Antiques, Liquor, Stamps, Precious stones and metals, Works of Art, Fire Arms, Drugs, Explosives, Animals, Perishable goods and products, Negotiable instruments in bearer form, Lewd Objects, Any Obscene and Pornographic Material, Industrial Carbons and Diamonds, Hazardous or combustible materials and all such items/articles restricted by IATA (International Air Transport Association), ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization) and any other item whose distribution is regulated by law or by any statute of the Provincial or Federal Government of Pakistan.
- The customer must affirm and warrant that he/she is the owner, or the authorized agent of the goods and products shipped by the zoom parcel service, and so on he has accepted the terms and conditions on behalf of the owner or as an owner.
- The customer warrants that the each article is properly described in the consignment note and the shipment details are complete and accurate. The customer must make sure that the shipment is properly marked and properly packed to ensure safe transportation and transit standards within a standard handling environment, and it should not be included anything which is unacceptable item as norms and standards of society and legally affirmed.
- Zoom Parcel Service secures the right to inspect any shipment, including opening the shipment for any reason and at any time.
- Zoom Parcel Service shall have lien on any goods shipped for all freight charges, duties, advances or any other charges resulting due to transportation of the goods. ZPS has full legal rights for possession of the goods until such charges are paid.
- Once the shipment is delivered to consignee, no claim shall be acceptable in any manner.
- Zoom Parcel Service will not be held responsible in case of any damage or harm done to shipments owing to unanticipated or calamitous events occurred.
- Any claim for the shipment return/insurance/delivery/damage after 30 days of pick-up will not be entertained.